Rebuilding of the Furuna Elementary School

The first school to be rebuilt is located 350 km south of Addis Ababa in Oromia Region, West Arsi Zone, Adaba District and Furuna community. Furuna is a village located about 3 km from Adaba, the district’s capital.

Furuna Elementary and Secondary School

The school resides in the complex of buildings in the center of the map, from the building with the red roof to the two parallel buildings to the left.

During a series of discussions with the community and the school, a number of key items required by Furuna Elementary and Secondary School were identified.

The school buildings are badly in need of repair.

These include a library, sanitation facilities, water and renovation of badly decomposing school buildings. Based on these requests, board members and the executive committee of Beromsa Ejolf had several discussions with the regional office responsible for schools about how to advance the community’s request. A series of discussions with both community leaders and responsible government officials led to the decision to construct the library with first priority as the school has over 1000 students and does not have a library. Based on the availability of funds, other necessary items for the school will be fulfilled in the next phase of the project.

Construction of a new building for a library is underway.